A Woman Defending The Welfare state
I’m 36 years old trade Union official and city councilor of Rovaniemi. I have 4 year old child and husband who is a nature-photographer.
Poverty of families and children must be decreased
- Higher salaries, full-time job should be possible
- Social and economic safety net / welfare system should be wide enough, simpler and more humane
- Early childhood education/daycare must be free in future
- Every child should have a free hobby (the model of Finland)
More work for the bright future of Lapland
- Money for infrastucture: 2 track railway from Oulu to Rovaniemi, more investments in roads, advance electric airplanes and cars
- We need work opportunities and investments from the Green deal: a controlled transition from fossil economy to Green ways of energy production, new industy
- We need high quality education from elementary school to higher ecudation: we need professionals so that Lapland and it’s people can succeed
Ask more: maria-riitta.mallinen(at)rovaniemi.fi